Sunday 13 February 2011

Time to get yer legs out!

Like the clocks going forward in Spring or the Glorius Twelfth in August there are things that happen at certain times of the year without fail.  For me it is getting my legs out come mid February.  All through the winter I tend to wear my leggings but this weekend (barring unexpected snowfall) they've gone back into the running stuff draw until the autumn and it's bare legs from now on!  Mind you it was actually pretty chilly on my runs this weekend and was alternating between sideways freezing rain and hail today, but I suppose that meant that at least I wasn't bogged down by soggy bottoms. As it were.  Both runs this weekend were cross country and muddy, as the photo to the left will testify, but I've always rather enjoyed running in the mud and rain.  Indeed sploshing through the puddles (it's pointless trying to pick your way around them on the Downs routes that I run) is almost as pleasurable as the hot shower when you get home.  Thursday's fartlek session obviously did some good as on a reasonably challenging route I held my best cross country pace so far this year, completing the 6.1 miles in 1:00:36 (9:56 mpm).  That was Saturday morning and this afternoon, after a calorie and alcohol laden dinner party last night, I went out again and did another cross country 8 miler in 1:21:05 (10:08 mpm).  Neither route is really comparable to road running as the conditions are often very slippery, ankle deep in mud and pretty steep in places, compounded this afternoon by the inclement precipitation. Fun though!  So Week 6 is now chalked off and I've managed to keep the four runs a week going, this time clocking 25.35 miles and taking me over the 100 miles for the year so far.  Nice. (S)

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