Friday 4 February 2011

Well that's torn it or tales from Knee Ville...

What is the true definition of friendship? Well look to the left...this is the only way I will complete the Great West Run, on current form! Limber up Stevie I'm coming aboard!
Yes dear blog readers, you will have read my compadres news of my knee injury. I have waited until today to blog, as it was doctors day. Was not worth the wait!
On Sunday I was 5 miles into my 7.5 miler, good pace, sun out, breathing good. Slight ache in right knee so had support bandage on. 3/4 way up killer hill, Willsbridge, an invisible man jumped me and stuck a blunt knife in mt right kneecap. I staggered back, lost my breath and grabbed a thorn bush in desperation not to fall over (stop giggling). It was so dramatic a car stopped to see if I was OK! A fellow runner no doubt. More likely a young couple thinking fat old bald bloke having a heart attack! After stumbling / jogging home (it hurt as bad whatever I did) I got home and after a few hours of agony, during which I cooked Sunday lunch, my son took me to A&E.
I am now on co-codamol and diclofenac pain killers and anti inflamitories. When it's pain free its fine and I think 'what am I doing here?'. But for a few sessions each day, like now, it cramps up, goes into spasm and takes my breath away it is such sharp searing stabbing pain and burning inside the knee. It goes into my toes, and up my leg. I get pins and needles in my toes and am bound like a kipper cos of the pills!!
Needless to say, from one who travels a lot with work, and is busy busy busy, the last 5 days have been hell. I have nearly completed a full family tree history on a great site by the way, Did a bit of work, watched interminable tosh on TV (how many relocation and antiques programs can they make!) and have learned how to bake a Victoria sponge, do a fashion makeover for 65 year olds, learnt the vagaries of the most recent face creams and how to spot a fake perfume in the market. My god, we wonder why the British are so brain dead, just watch the complete tosh on our TV screens. DUR!!
Rant over. What shall I do now....
Well next steps are waiting for physio appointment for them to assess what is wrong with the knee ( we think you have hurt it Mr Dalton, yes I know, oh OK, you will need to wait another year fro another appointment etc etc). Doctor recommend an MRI scan then we can see what needs to be done. Have started painting the Forth road Bridge and reckon it will be done before I see the scanner.. ho hum.
Well the knee fairies have departed and the gremlins arrived and poured molten mercury over my knee cap, gotta go and wince for s bit... don't worry I'll be back.....

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