Monday 28 February 2011

9 weeks to go.

So last week finished OK.  I went out on Friday and did the Tadworth Court short course run of 3.63 miles, taking it really steady after Thursday's nightmare and went round in a comfortable 36:12, or 9:57 mpm.  It was much better and my legs felt back to normal.  So far so good.  I then had my weekend off to rest and recover so Week 8 finished on the magic four runs but at a reduced mileage of 21.84.  Today Kerry and I came back from our lovely relaxing weekend in the Cotswolds.  It was going to be the chance to complete the second of my two targets, namely 100 miles in February.  Obviously I hadn't done my weekly LSD so with a goal of 8.75 miles to hit the century I headed out planning to do between 9 and 10, depending on how it went.  Well not very well was the answer.  I was only about a mile and a half in to the run and my lower left leg started really hurting.  It felt like I needed to stretch it out more so I stopped and did some stretches and then carried on.  It did feel a lot better, at first that is, but soon it all just locked solid and was aching badly.  I stretched it out some more and once again it felt better so I pushed on again, hoping that as I warmed up more it would ease itself.  It was pretty cold tonight and it just didn't seem to want to play ball, I got to two and a quarter miles and it locked up again.  That was it, I decided to call it a day and disconsolately walked the mile home.  I'd missed my 100 mile target right at the last gasp and had to be content with finishing February on 93.5 miles, however that was still the most I've ever run in a month so I have to take the  positive from that.  Ironically by the time I got back my leg felt much better but I didn't want to take any risks.  I'm out with my mate Andy tomorrow so let's see how things go on Wednesday. (S)

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