Tuesday 8 March 2011

8 weeks to go.

They say that a week is a long time in politics, well let me tell you that when you love your running (almost to the point of obsession according to Mrs. R), then five days out with an injury seems like a bloody lifetime!  But, as the comment posted on my last blog says, patience is indeed a virtue and so as much as I really wanted to get out there at the weekend and test my leg, I resisted the temptation and continued my period of RICE (that's Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation for those of you who weren't aware!).  That meant that last week's total was a rather weeny 8 miles over just two runs, not really the sort of mileage I wanted to be posting two weeks before my first race of the year and enough to put me behind my 1000 miles in 2011 "Fetch" target (Click here for the Fetcheveryone website) .
So on to this week then.  I decided that the payoff for my layoff (ooh I love a bit of alliteration!) was that I would go for a gentle three miler last night, walking the first few minutes to warm my calf up and then to keep it slow. "Please be alright, please be alright!" was the mantra I kept repeating to myself as I progressed along my route and happily I can report that I made it round without major incident!  After my shower I turned the temperature right down as far as it would go and played the ice cold water over my calves, a bit of a shock to the system but apparently good for recovery!  This morning, apart from a few little twinges, my legs feel fine, so I'm going to rest again tonight and do four miles tomorrow.  Until then, Happy Pancake Day! (S)


  1. Nice one matey oh how jealous am I!

  2. Good to see that sense has prevailed and you're listening to your body.. Keep up the good work fella.. I'm cycling again and hopoe to be running in a month....
