Tuesday 15 March 2011

Daleks on acid

Well as I lay there I was thinking of you dear readers...how would I blog this strange and peculiar experience? Yes the 30 minute session inside the MRI scanner is complete and what I can only describe as being spoken to by a dalek on acid! A multitude of rhythmic dalek noises of various pitches and strangely mesmeric. I found my ind wandering in the hinterland of madness as it chugged its way around my knee. It was 8am so still slightly groggy from the night's sleep as I had to get up early to get there. A very strange and surreal experience I must say.

So the 'now let's see what is going on in there' phase could be on it's way to be over and the decision of the surgeon, fondly referred to as 'Mack the Knife' awaits. Doesn't fill one with glory does it!! The important thing is that whatever the outcome I will know what the prognosis is and be back on the road to recovery and literally 'back on the road again' running (great Reo Speedwagon song for those who know it).

Steve is doing us both proud with is training, hat's off to you old boy, pardon the pun. Tomorrow sees a day of travelling up to London for meetings; now a crutch on the underground is going to be entertaining I can tell you!

To share a saying totally unconnected to the knee issues I came across this week, and Darren you will like this one. It refers to cultural change in business but you could adapt it for use in any scenario - "You can't talk yourself out of what you behave yourself into". Yes I can hear the cogs turning out there, grinding away, what on earth is he on about. Reflect on it dear readers .... what do your actions say about you and what things do you 'say' that create your reality?  Do you try and talk a good story and 'do' something completely different? Sounds like an invitation to an essay doesn't it?

So yes I may well have completely lost it at last! I will leave it to you to judge ..... woop woop diddly woopdoop....

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