Monday 3 January 2011

The longest journey starts with the first step...

or so the old Chinese saying goes.  And it's no exception for me and Jim, except we will then have another 23,055 steps to go! For that, as the eagle-eyed, fleet of foot runners amongst you will have noticed is the number of yards in a half marathon.  This blog is, or hopefully will be, the training records and musings of two middle-aged in body but young at heart 40 somethings, preparing to run the Great West Run Half Marathon in Exeter on May 1st 2011.  With me (Steve) living in Surrey and Jim down in Bristol, the initial reason for this is to provide a central point where we can update each other on our training as race day approaches and give each other the kick up the arse to get our running shoes on and get out the door! And if it provides a little entertainment for any readers on the way then hurrah for that!
Jim will no doubt add his own description so I'll just sum myself up; badly out of condition, two stone overweight, haven't run regularly since September and ate, drank and smoked way too much over Christmas. Part of which I blame on Jim, but obviously not the best preparation for a half marathon.  Apparently.  "Apparently" because that has been the kind of preparation I've done for my last four or five "Halfs" and I've managed to stumble round them without major incident.  However this time will (again, hopefully) be different.  My darling wife Kerry has informed me that we're getting fit this year, plenty of exercise, cutting right down on the vino and that I've given up smoking (or else!), so who knows, maybe this time will be different and I will actually have four months of decent training and will emerge, butterfly-like, out the other side a honed, toned athlete!  We shall see...

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys - good on ya! Good to embark on an event with someone else as it keeps you on track. I look forward to reading about the journey!

